Monday, September 29, 2008

What is Life About?

Ask yourself this question:

Am I, at this moment in my life, working towards achieving all of the goals I have set for myself?

Are you drawing a blank?

Are you in touch with yourself enough to know what your goals are??

I am not talking about externals here which are our responsibility to family and community.....What I am getting at here are very personal goals...the stuff that makes us feel whole and fulfilled.

What is that part of your life all about??????

Why do you do the things you do every single day??????
Who are you doing them for?

Are you doing these things out of fear or love. Remember everything in life comes from one of these two places...these two emotions...think about it.

I would submit that if you do the work to figure this the end it will lead each of you to the same conclusion.....

Life is all about feeling good and I want to do everything out of love-not out of fear.

It is that simple.

So, if that is the case...what is standing in your way?

What keeps you from this?

What is it that you need to do to make things happen in your lives to bring you closer to that place???

Is something missing?

Do you allow your work and other commitments to pull you away from the essential maintenance of the pursuit of simple soul level contentedness??

Think about this: If everything originates from the center...and your center is not centered....(read whole, content, fulfilled and fully realized...) how can you ever achieve anything on the external level?

Ask yourself this question:

What do you want out of life and what are you willing to change to achieve the peace and happiness that you deserve???

What do you need?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Important Questions Worth Pondering

What do you dwell on?
What thoughts run on the loop in your head during any given day?

Do you see only your faults?
What is truly good in you....? Do you see it? Do you open yourself up enough to allow others to see who you really are?? What does that require?

Do you perceive that you fall short of some self-imposed set of expectations? Who created those expectations in you? Are they realistic for you?

Do you understand your self-worth?

What do you project to others??

Notable quote:
"Our thoughts and expectations wield tremendous power and influence in our lives. We don't always get what we deserve in life but we usually get no more than we expect; we receive what we believe....this principle works as strongly in the negative as it does in the positive."
--Joel Osteen

Time to ponder.......

Friday, September 26, 2008

Rod McKuen

May 25

There are some forests that I haven't known.
Some tree trunks I've never wrapped my legs around
and climbed.

A million branches I might have slid down
had I had the time.

some leaves trembled in the wood and caught my ear.
Some twigs beneath the hooves of deer snapped
and signaled spring,
waking me from endless winter thoughts.

Rod McKuen
In Someone's Shadow

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thinking outside the box

In only one case is in-the-box thinking necessary.

This comes from a cartoon: a man talks to his cat and points to the kitty litter box. He says, "Never ever think outside the box!"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This one's for my beloved children

Yesterday while out running I discovered something.

A WHY for my life.

As most of you know, I have two beautiful children. I raise them alone, as I have for nearly seven years.

I have, forever now, recognized that it is ME that sets the example for them. I have been the only one in their lives who can really teach them what they need to know so they can make decisions based on a solid foundation of reason and thoughtful pondering.

So, for years I have "lectured" them....worked hard...lived by every aspect of my life.

Girls-this is for you-this whole entire thing. Even as I share it with the world, you are first in foremost in my thoughts, heart and mind.

Understand this...your understanding of life comes through your own personal lens. As you grow up and begin to understand the, love, relationships...I will share with you things that you can't possibly understand when you are small.


This place I have created is a way for me to give something concrete to you, my children, which I think, should be bound in solid form when my time is up.

Kids hear what they are able to hear based on their understanding of the world and life at THAT MOMENT.

I think there is no better a way for me to teach them the things I learn along the way. The messages which they can accept as gentle guidance as their lives grow and change. Not a road map....just good solid food for thought.

That said, look at your own kids...go hug them.

Tell them you love them...EVERYDAY even if you are angry at them.
Tell them you are PROUD of them.....every single day.

Elevate their self-esteem. They will need it in the real world.

To my friends...and those I will never meet. I certainly hope that what I have to say over time helps you in navigating your own lives as I navigate through mine.

If it sheds light or creates positive change...I am forever content.

In love and light.....Michel

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Clearing Clutter From the Mind

What is that "stuff" we put in our heads everyday that keeps us from focusing on what is truly important.

What is important?

What can't you live without?

What do you need in your lives to feel whole and fulfilled?

........................................Now, go back to the first sentence.

Monday, September 22, 2008


......As long as you can't imagine it, as long as you can't see it, then it is not going to happen for you................

The barrier is in your mind.

Think it
See it

BE it.


What is it.......

...........that truly makes you happy?????

Do you embrace that in your life in a fully realized way???

What do you need in your life to be happy????

If something is missing....and you comprehend that...recognize that....

What is it that needs to be done to change that so you may be in a better place???

What keeps you from getting there???

Once you figure out the WHAT of what it is.....

Once you figure out the WHY of why it is......

It is then that you can begin to figure out...the HOW of how to change.

Which brings to mind...

WHAT is change?

WHAT does that mean in the context of life???

I would submit that tough....hard.....

What are we left with on the other side....???

It's seems pretty simple..

A new and better way to do and look at life.

Sometimes I think we take life for granted

Have you ever sat down at the end of the day somewhere outside and watched a sunset???

It is truly amazing just to see it.

But here's the thing...WATCH just how quickly the sun drops.

Over the years whenever the spirit moves me I make my way to a place at the end of a given day just to take in the sight and reflect. Well, this past summer when we went up to Charlevoix and Petosky (places I'd visit a million times over....I ADORE Michigan-I always have.) each night the girls and I wound our way up over and through the dunes to sit at the beach and watch the sunset which happens during the summer around 10pm at night up there.....

The sun drops like a rock..pretty quickly. Boom, just like that the day is gone.

So, as this particular vacation always happens around my Bday....this year being the beginning of my 49th seemed pretty fitting at the time to spend it taking stock....and trying to figure out how I could slow the damn sunset down...I wanted longer days... 1 second to go by like 2. I think I decided at that point that from those days on each day needed to be about something more significant with regard to moments to learn, grow...or just appreciate. Now, I do that on a regular basis anyway BUT...I wanted it to be EVEN MORE so.

It just feels like we all get caught up in the busyness of our lives and we forget that it all starts INSIDE of each of us...I wonder too...if we spend our lives working on the externals so much that it enables us to NOT focus on the inside...the stuff that really matters..inner peace, love, happiness...contentment...fulfillment..

Why don't we want to look inside our own "closets" ?

What keeps us, some days, from that? If in the end, we've whatever it is we want to be or closer to the people that we care about or closer to the way we see ourselves being??

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Empowerment From Within

Two beautiful quotes:

"There is no need to run outside
For better seeing,
Nor to peer from a window. Rather abide
At the center of your being;
For the more you leave it, the less you learn." --Lao-Tze

"Truth is within ourselves.
There is an innermost center in us all,
Where the Truth abides in fulness; and to know
Rather it consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape
Than affecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without." --Robert Browning

How much more can one add to that?

I feel so blessed to be alive at this moment....and in this moment, additionally, to feel whole and at peace from within.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


So, I've finally gone and done it...created my very own blog.

Some are probably asking why???

Well...I think it goes along with my deep-seated affect positive change in as many people as possible with the time I have here in this body, in this life.

At the very least what I would like is for this to be a place where folks can down and think about the "what's" and "why's" of why they do stuff...

As some of you know in my professional life as a trainer I send out a weekly email. In that email occasionally I send on a bit of food for thought...something motivational that I have learned along my own journey. At the moment I am hoping this can be an extention of that...spiritual and motivational...It also allows me to reach a much wider audience.

So that said...I begin.

My first order of business is an awesome run this morning. Think about your own day...

how do you start them??

What do you do for yourself??your inside...that centers you.

Contrary to popular is NOT just about work...If that is the sole criteria for what you base your life on...then you are really missing so much.

Life is about NOW....It's about each moment...grabbing it...embracing it...the good and the bad...learning from it...feeling emotion.

We are wonderous beings.