Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Simple Buddist Wisdom

This, I think is a lovely bit of wisdom:

Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.
Better than a thousand hollow verses is one verse that brings peace.
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.

Then the victory is yours.
- Buddha in the Dhammapada

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This is my absolute favorite holiday of the year. It's all about food, family and love-showing it...living in it..being in it. Being ever so grateful for what life presents us with everyday..that helps us to grow and be better people which then helps us to create a better world.

As I reflect upon this last year since Thanksgiving '07...a couple of babies have been born...new cherished friends have been made...records have been set...my own children have sometimes not so gracefully...grown in their minds and their respective heights. :)

On a very personal note...I am really very happy with my life and the people on both a professional and very personal level I am blessed to have in it. My children keep me hopping...they make me laugh...and as well, through them I am continually challenged to be both a better mother and and a better woman on a daily basis.

So, as you look around your own tables live in the moment and be grateful and thankful for all of the good things in your life. Then look inward....reflect upon where you were a year ago...where you are now...and where you want to go....Then...make it happen.