Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Looking toward your own horizon


Definition: The line at which the sky and earth appear to meet.

So what does it mean when we say...Look toward the horizon..????

More succinctly...what does it mean to you?

Blogging, like life, is a marathon...or an Ultra-but certainly not a 5k.

Yesterday, like many people, I spent a good portion of the day watching the 118th Boston Marathon. It holds a special place in my heart, not just because I am a runner; but  because I grew up out there.  In general it was such a healing and joyous day; what a wonderful show of unity. I even looked up my qualifying time again all the while wondering if, in fact, I still had it in me to work to qualify.  Years ago, I made a choice to help pace others through to their goals in Chicago.  It was a worthwhile pursuit.  In this moment I am still pondering.

Over the years life moves on as it does, relentlessly forward.  Kids have grown,  we have moved north....as far north as I will ever go having discovered in my middle age just how much I dislike winter. My perfect life is summers north and winters far south.  The thought of never really having to wear a ski mask and 5 layers to run ever again is very attractive to me; especially after our 100 year winter. 

So, as I sit here and type this out...I am thinking: "9:54:00 per mile...at 26 miles, Hmm...maybe."  Or maybe just train and run..and more running...

Like everyone else I am caught up in kids, job, home...and all the amazing joy and trial that life brings.  One thing I have learned is this:  every day is new.  It's a chance to start again.  It's a chance to do life better-every time the sun rises. Life is the coolest marathon I know.