Monday, September 21, 2015

If something is important to us we find a way, if it's not we find an excuse.

Think about your own life. 

Have there been times when you have gotten to a point where the "switch" was ON?

You had something you wanted so bad you could feel it?  

It was almost like you had blinders were going to get there and absolutely no one or anything was going to stop you from achieving this would move every mountain along the way.

Through time, hard work, focus and commitment YOU did it! 

 YOU made the goal! 

 YOU were successful!

Where was your head at the time...?

Where is your head now?

What lessons did you learn along the way?

Are you continuing to live those lessons?

Do you share those lessons with others?

Change takes commitment and focus and time.

I am issuing a challenge:

Write about YOUR journey and challenge.

Write about that one time in your life when you felt the tide of change-that moment when you KNEW you had to move forward.

Think about and answer the above questions.

I will not share unless you give me permission. Your stories are private.  
This is an exercise in reflection.

I am looking forward to hearing from you at

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