Thursday, March 12, 2015

Fitness and Personal Empowerment

One of the first and foremost reasons my private clients my reach out to me is to loose weight.

Many of the people I find myself helping are in the middle of their lives.  Lives in which they have many obligations both business and personal.

I also find myself working with teens through my marching band boot camps. 

In many ways everyone is so similar.

They are each trying to figure IT out.

The other day I pondered this:  Why is the IT missing?  Why aren't we growing up knowing how to do this stuff??

It is really puzzling to me. 

Think about it:  I am teaching people what they need to know for their lives that which they should have been taught in childhood.

What would this world be like if, as children, we all grew up in health, physically active and making great food and lifestyle choices? 

What a wonderful and empowered world we would have!

Think about it.......if we start with ourselves, re-train, eating habits, what would that mean within each of our relationships, our families, our communities and our world?

It's HUGE!

And it starts with each of us!  one step, one day, one meal, one decision, one ISSUE at a time. 

It's a commitment to deal with our own "stuff."

It's a commitment to move forward.

It's a commitment to be living example.

Think about this:  Are there any negatives to living a full life in a state of fitness and personal empowerment?


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