Monday, February 2, 2015

Are You Training For Your Life?

Yesterday, while out running during the snowfall I was thinking about  just how wonderful (yes) it was to be able to actually log miles on unplowed roads for nearly 2 hours during a storm without killing myself
at my age. I'm sure you are all pleased to know I have lived yet another day to train and bust your butts about any number of things.  :)

Part of my reflection and thus my words today are this:

Aren't we all in fact training for our lives???

Why are you training??? 
Why are you each changing your respective lifestyles?  Your eating habits?

I would submit that when it comes down to it,  it is not for vanity.   

At some point, we all find ourselves reflecting. bWe all find ourselves wanting to create a better quality life GOING FORWARD.
At what point do you let go and just go forward?   

In order to do this-here is a big naked reality:  

You have to let go of the negative and the "stuff" that just is not working for you!  If you do not-you will never, ever get there.

If you want it...but find you are running in the same reactive loop, ask yourself the following and journal about it:  

Why do I keep acting/reacting the same exact way and expecting something different?

I would submit that most of us want to, in some way hang on to our crutches and safety nets and have the positive as well.  

It doesn't work that way.

Envision yourself morphing INTO something else...something more beautiful, solid, colorful....your own unique vision!  That is who you can BECOME! 

At some point in order to morph you have to dive in and let go.  Otherwise, what is there?????

Everyday does not have to be "Day 1"  However, everyday is in-fact, A Gift.  I can teach, I can lead you towards a better, healthier version of yourself....BUT, before anything..YOU have to want to do the work to get there inside your brain and you have to be WILLING to let go.
Get to it everyone!  Enjoy the gift of your day!

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