Simply put-because of the noise in our brains.
Studies have shown that there are at least 5 different brain patterns associated with overeating. So, if that is the case everyone's results will vary on the same diet.
This is why, by the way, I have always said DIETS DO NOT WORK lifestyle eating does.....and it is also the WHY behind what makes the journey so difficult for some of us.
It would seem to make sense to match eating strategies with the type of brain patterns that affects us each the most.
Here is a thought----What if you change your mind wouldn't your body follow???
There are five types of overeaters very simply and briefly stated:
1- Compulsive overeater-over focused on food. Uses food as a salve for hurt.
2-Impulsive overeater-someone who may be bored or easily distracted
3-Impulsive-compulsive overeater-Combination of 1 and 2
4-Sad or emotional eater-depressed, winter blues, carb cravings, sleeps a lot, low energy
5- Anxious overeater-tense, nervous, predicts the worst, eats to calm down
Listed below are nine helpful strategies:
1-Keep your blood sugar balanced
I have spoken a great deal over time about blood sugar levels and what happens when we eat simple sugars and refined carbs. Eliminating this goes along way to stabilizing our levels.
2-Decrease your use of artificial sweeteners.
The problem here is that they tend to be many times sweeter than sugar and can active the apetite center of your brain.
3- Manage stress
Need I tell you the affect of stress on our health? Managing it, means taking care of yourself. Working ACTIVELY to reduce your stress through exercise, meditation, journaling counseling...oh, and my favorite-setting limits on what we each ALLOW to affect us.
4-What out for and plan for the triggers
That would be outings, family events, holiday gathering, corporate functions-PLAN AHEAD. What does that look like? When eating at a restaurant make a plan. Go online before hand and look at the menu and commit to making good decisions. Family gatherings-bring something healthy. Corporate functions-many times you can order ahead. Do not be afraid to ask, for example, that the mashed potatoes be left off the plate in favor of adding extra veggies.
5-Food allergies
Some food allergies can reduce blood flow to the brain and impair judgement. What to look for: brain fog, moodiness, nasal congestion, headaches, sleep problems, joint and muscle aches, pain, fatigue, skin changes and GI issues.
6-Retrain your brain
Here it is: Make a habit of saying NO to the things that you KNOW are not good for you. At some point it will become the new normal. If you think about it, WHY would you routinely say YES to that which is not good for you??? Think about that.
7-Get moving with exercise.
A body in motion tends t stay in motion. This is good for blood supply to the brain and and your sense of wellness. Our bodies evolved as organisms meant to physically work and move.
Yes, getting enough sleep is a disciple.
Do it. WHY? Not just because I said it is, the less sleep you get the more body fat you store and it tends to be belly fat. When we are over tired, we crave simple carbs....when we eat those simple carbs where do you think those calories get stored....YUP on your middle.
9-Take a natural vitamin supplement everyday for good measure.
It cannot hurt, and only help.
You may surmise from this that there is no quick fix. What it is about is the DAILY, ACTIVE work we do to change how we are wired. If this does not happen you really are destined to gain and lose FOREVER. Is this what you want the rest of your life to be?
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