Things have been very busy this winter and it's all good. People making positive changes and working hard towards life goals.
It is so very inspiring to be part of someone's journey of personal growth.
Here is my very short post from this morning:
One must have a strong resolve and tough mindset to winter over outside in the Midwest. part of being able to continue I have found is really coming to terms with "this is my life and this is what I do...". It does not matter where you live, being fit, and pursuing the art of fitness is a lifestyle. one must think of oneself as a piece of marble...unfinished, yet beautiful in its own way. Everyday we chisel, sculpt, sand and polish working to create something solid. along the way, every day working the project we grow and change from the inside out..we have to.
Think about this: Even as winter just drones impossibly on, every single day you work consistently toward your own new vision you are absolutely empowering yourself!
How incredibly awesome.