Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why Diets Do Not Work

Simply put-because of the noise in our brains.

Studies have shown that there are at least 5 different brain patterns associated with overeating.  So, if that is the case everyone's results will vary on the same diet.

This is why, by the way, I have always said DIETS DO NOT WORK lifestyle eating does.....and it is also the WHY behind what makes the journey so difficult for some of us.

It would seem to make sense to match eating strategies with the type of brain patterns that affects us each the most.  

Here is a thought----What if you change your mind wouldn't your body follow???

There are five types of overeaters very simply and briefly stated:

1- Compulsive overeater-over focused on food.  Uses food as a salve for hurt.

2-Impulsive overeater-someone who may be bored or easily distracted

3-Impulsive-compulsive overeater-Combination of 1 and 2

4-Sad or emotional eater-depressed, winter blues, carb cravings, sleeps a lot, low energy

5- Anxious overeater-tense, nervous, predicts the worst, eats to calm down

Listed below are nine helpful strategies:

1-Keep your blood sugar balanced
I have spoken a great deal over time about blood sugar levels and what happens when we eat simple sugars and refined carbs.  Eliminating this goes along way to stabilizing our levels.

2-Decrease your use of artificial sweeteners.  
The problem here is that they tend to be many times sweeter than sugar and can active the apetite center of your brain.

3- Manage stress
Need I tell you the affect of stress on our health?   Managing it, means taking care of yourself.  Working ACTIVELY to reduce your stress through exercise, meditation, journaling  counseling...oh, and my favorite-setting limits on what we each ALLOW to affect us.

4-What out for and plan for the triggers
That would be outings, family events, holiday gathering, corporate functions-PLAN AHEAD.  What does that look like?   When eating at a restaurant make a plan.  Go online before hand and look at the menu and commit to making good decisions.  Family gatherings-bring something healthy.  Corporate functions-many times you can order ahead.  Do not be afraid to ask, for example, that the mashed potatoes be left off the plate in favor of adding extra veggies.

5-Food allergies
Some food allergies can reduce blood flow to the brain and impair judgement.   What to look for: brain fog, moodiness, nasal congestion, headaches, sleep problems, joint and muscle aches, pain, fatigue, skin changes and GI issues.

6-Retrain your brain
Here it is:  Make a habit of saying NO to the things that you KNOW are not good for you.  At some point it will become the new normal.  If you think about it, WHY would you routinely say YES to that which is not good for you???  Think about that.

7-Get moving with exercise.
A body in motion tends t stay in motion.  This is good for blood supply to the brain and and your sense of wellness.  Our bodies evolved as organisms meant to physically work and move. 

Yes, getting enough sleep is a disciple.   
Do it.  WHY?  Not just because I said it is, the less sleep you get the more body fat you store and it tends to be belly fat.  When we are over tired, we crave simple carbs....when we eat those simple carbs where do you think those calories get stored....YUP on your middle.

9-Take a natural vitamin supplement everyday for good measure.
It cannot hurt, and only help.

You may surmise from this that there is no quick fix.  What it is about is the DAILY, ACTIVE work we do to change how we are wired.  If this does not happen you really are destined to gain and lose FOREVER.  Is this what you want the rest of your life to be?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Life Skills and the Functionally Integrated Life


  • Do you tend to start and stop exercise routines? 

  • Do you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

  • If you have answered "YES"  then coaching is in order.
    It is wonderful to make goals.  

    It's HOW YOU make them that counts.....

    I can make plans and goals for you forever .  However; the goals best made come from you and are specific.  Even more specific than "I am going to loose 30 pounds."

    Think about that....How general is that statement?

    The minute something comes up...and life gets a bit tangled do you get stalled???

    Let's evaluate what is and is not working and then come up with strategies that will work. 

    What is realistic and achievable in one week goals????

    Homework time:  On a sheet of paper write out the big goal.  Then break it down by month and  week.  Within that week write out specifically how you plan to do it day by day.  Then take it one step further:  look at your potential barriers. Write them down.....then make a plan for how to deal with them.  Helpful hint:  Talk with me, we'll problem solve together if you get stuck.

    Get it?  We are breaking down seemingly insurmountable goals into smaller daily goals that are attainable and creating effective problem solving strategies within the plan.

    “Goal setting has the potential to be an important facilitator of behavior change. Setting specific goals provides a potential strategy for organizing nutrition and physical activity information and skills into practical and manageable steps” (Shilts, Horowitz & Townsend, 2002).

    Here is a good visual framework:

    Lifestyle coaching process 
    With diligence and practice you CAN begin to develop your skills in goal setting and problem solving which WILL lead to improved levels of fitness and the improved ability to be more self-reliant.
    Thought:  what if, as you begin to put the above steps into place you were to focus on adherence to actions/lifestyle that lead to your success rather that what the scale is saying while you develop your skill base?  Would you feel more successful and accomplished?
    Create your lists/plan.  You can send it to me if you want or hold it and we'll talk about it when we meet.
    Isn't it time in your life to FINALLY develop that skill set which will lead you towards that permanently healthier version of yourself?


    Do you tend to start and stop exercise routines?

    Do you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    If you have answered "YES" then coaching is in order.

    It is wonderful to make goals.

    It's HOW YOU make them that counts.....

    I can make plans and goals for you forever . However; the goals best made come from you and are specific. Even more specific than "I am going to loose 30 pounds."

    Think about that....How general is that statement?

    The minute something comes up...and life gets a bit tangled do you get stalled???

    Evaluate what is and is not working and then come up with strategies that will work.

    What is realistic and achievable in one week goals????

    Homework time: On a sheet of paper write out the big goal. Then break it down by month and week. Within that week write out specifically how you plan to do it day by day. Then take it one step further: look at your potential barriers. Write them down.....then make a plan for how to deal with them.

    Get it? We are breaking down seemingly insurmountable goals into smaller daily goals that are attainable and creating effective problem solving strategies within the plan.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2015

    Moving Forward

    That's life, isn't it?

    That is really how it works.  Everyday we get up knowing that we need to move on...go forward....we resolve to do it right this time.

    For about a day, a few days....until you see that irresistible thing at the store or on the counter...or you've had a tough day or stuff is just falling out of the sky around you and all of a sudden the really good and positive steps you are taking feel like they are embedded in cement.

    So what do you do???  You sit.  Stagnant.  While life moves forward.

    Here is what I know about life and choices:

    We each choose how we deal with the stuff of our lives.  None of us are victims to it.  We cannot really control the outside stuff-what people say or how they think.  But we do have FULL control of how we choose to react.

    We are all wired differently, that is true.  We each react differently to stress, sadness, happiness, and both good and bad fortune, that is also true. 

    We are also accountable to ourselves.

    The quality of your life is a direct result of what you put into it and what you want out of it.

    Is it enough to spend our lives 100% of our precious finite time serving the needs of others? 

    Is it enough to spend 100% of our precious finite time feeling bad about taking time for ourselves?

    In this new year, what do each of you really want? Immediately?  6 months from now?  1 year from now? 5 years from now?? 
    More Food for thought:

    1- Do you have an all or nothing mind-set?

    In the new year...what about an 80/20 rule CONSISTASNTLY?

    2-Do you have the "I'm on a diet" mind-set?

    In the new year let's shift the mind-set to lifestyle eating and problem solving eating weaknesses incrementally

    3-Do you fear "public failure?"

    I would submit those around you are cheering observers who, in reality, have their own struggles.   They are just like you.  They admire you for your everyday struggle. 

    4- Essential: Fitness needs to be FUN.  

    Yes, you have to put in the work to be fit enough to do the fun stuff....but really, while doing that prep work it helps to work in your life to find activities you actually like to do.  Example: you like to do the work in the gym to make you strong enough to swim well.  Get it?

    5-  Embrace new and interesting technology to aid in elevated fitness levels.

    It's fun and motivating!!!!

    6-Make a plan for change AND BE SPECIFIC!

    I want to loose weight an get in shape is waaaaay to general. 

    First, ask yourself WHY because then we can break it down enough to create specific goals and concrete reasons.  This is where sitting down and talking is a good tool.  Reflective feedback can be very valuable information.

    7- Pay attention to your little victories.

    Way too often we set HUGE goals....which is in itself OK...however in setting these big goals we forget that along the way all the little accomplishments that happen as a result of setting this big goal are really important and significant too!

    Love yourself!  Allow yourself to enjoy the sense of satisfaction and pride of accomplishment that comes from moving forward in your life!