It's been a long while since I've journaled I started this thing for Ty and Madie as a way for them to not only understand me when the time came...but to maybe help them understand themselves a little better. I have not felt the need to write for a while because life was fairly predicable and I felt like the girls had a handle on it themselves....
Now, well...I think it's time to write again.
Madison my 13 what can I say?? You go girl. You are smart and funny and don't appear to give a damn about what other people think. you love science and animals. More importantly you admit to loving science in front of Tyler...even when she makes you feel like it's not a good thing. You each have to be yourselves...
This is the first week of Gizmo....and just watching you I know it was a good choice to consent to getting a chin. You have endless compassion. Last night we cried for Lori because we were sad that she had to give him up after 10 years...I am still sad for her. We just have to take extra special care of Gizmo and send her plenty of pics. He could, after all live another 15 years..... you are 15 and very shortly 16. Ours is a complicated relationship...deep down though, it's good.
You are extremely smart, intuitive and sensitive with a deep love and belief/faith in god. You are also very afraid of a lot....and are unsure of your abilities and don't understand yet your own level of intelligence. Do not make the mistake of defining you self-worth based on what boys say about you. It comes from within.
Enough for I am ready to write again.