Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Peace and Trust Within: The Cushion

Below are a couple of pieces I've borrowed...because I think they get right to the heart of what it is I want to say....

The first:

"There is a part of the sea known as “the cushion of the sea.” It lies beneath the surface that is agitated by storms and churned by the wind. It is so deep that it is a part of the sea that is never stirred.

When the ocean floor in these deep places is dredged of the remains of plant or animal life, it reveals evidence of having remained completely undisturbed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Unaffected by all the turbulence that was above it."

Here: In these times that we currently find ourselves living in , the world around us is in turmoil. There is not one person that has not been affected in some way on a very personal level. I had been having trouble trying to figure out just how to effectively communicate about it. Well, recently, I had a conversation with someone who used the above analogy.

It's a PERFECT analogy, and it was exactly the direction I was trying to go all the while.

To wit:

Where is your cushion?

How easy is it for us each to loose site of it?

If you stray from your cushion then did you ever really know what or where it was?

Think about it as a place of calm, peace and light and when you live in that no matter what is happening in your life your core cannot be shaken. Your decisions, reasoning...thinking all come from a place of light and love-proactively- not darkness and fear or reactively.

It is the base of everything that comes from each of us.


"Many of us seek the answers to life’s questions by looking outside of ourselves and trying to glean advice from the people around us. But as each of us is unique, with our own personal histories, our own sense of right and wrong, and our own way of experiencing the world that defines our realities, looking to others for our answers is only partially helpful. The answers to our personal questions can be most often found by looking within.

When you realize that you always have access to the part of you that always knows what you need and is meant to act as your inner compass, you can stop searching outside of yourself. If you can learn to hear, trust, and embrace the wisdom that lives within you, you will be able to confidently navigate your life.

Trusting your inner wisdom may be awkward at first, particularly if you grew up around people who taught you to look to others for answers. We each have exclusive access to our inner knowing. All we have to do is remember how to listen. Remember to be patient as you relearn how to hear, receive, and follow your own guidance.

If you are unsure about whether following your inner wisdom will prove reliable, you may want to think of a time when you did trust your own knowing and everything worked out. Recall how the answers came to you, how they felt in your body as you considered them, and what happened when you acted upon this guidance. Now, recall a time when you didn’t trust yourself and the results didn’t work out as you had hoped.

Trusting your own guidance can help you avoid going against what you instinctively know is right for you.When you second guess yourself and go against what you know to be your truth, you can easily go off course because you are no longer following your inner compass. By looking inside yourself for the answers to your life’s questions, you are consulting your best guide. Only you can know the how’s and why’s of your life. "

The answers that you seek can be found when you start answering your own questions.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What if... had but one day to live and you knew it.

What would you do with it?

What would become so very important to you?

Who would you visit?

What places would you want to go to just one last time?

What are the things you need to do?

What conversations need to happen?

What would you want a taste of???

What or who would you want to hear or feel...just one last time???

Who would you make amends with?

Isn't it true that our lives.....lived every single day are just like that?

There is no promise of tomorrow.

There really is not.

What becomes important to you in that moment when you know, for certain, that you have just one single day?

If you think about it, when we each wake up in the morning that is just what we have. The gift of the very day...the very moment.... the very second we are so blessed to live in.

So, what is all this other stuff that gets in the way?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oneness With Self---The Inner Child

Let me start with this which I feel compelled to share.

Indulge me for a moment if you will:

From Shirley MacLaine...Dancing in the Light.

"I believe my intense search for self was motivated by the intuitive certainty that in myself lay the reflections of all there was. That all my curiosities regarding the outside world were in truth curiosities I had about myself. If I could know me, I could know the universe.

As the new physics and the ancient mystics now seemed to agree--when one observes the world and the being within it, one sees that we are in fact only dancing with our own consciousness. Everything we feel, think and act upon is interrelated with everything everyone else feels, thinks and acts upon. We are all participating in the dance.

When I began to see the world with karmic consciousness, the knowledge that we all create our own paths of our own free will made me recognize the cosmic justice in everything. I understood that there was a purposeful good in all occurrences if I allowed them to provide a path of experience and understanding.

The total understanding and realization of myself might require eons for me to accomplish. But when that awareness is achieved, I will align completely with that unseen Divine Force that we call God.

For me to deny that Divine Force now would be tantamount to denying that I exist.

I know that I exist, therefore I AM.
I know that the God-source exists. Therefore IT IS.
Since I am part of that force, then I AM that I AM."

"............As far as my own life is concerned, my higher self is with me every moment. When I get in trouble, I consult with it. When I have a question, I direct my inquiry to it. It is my teacher, it is the master of my soul. It is me.

When I feel out of touch with it, I take the time to be peaceful and meditate until I am aligned with it again.

The flowing nourishing, knowing awareness of my own being is as essential to me as air. I cannot prove its existence to anyone else. One has to experience it to know it.

When that happens, it is possible to understand the reason for life, why we do what we do. But more important than anything, in my experience the purpose for continuing is simply to understand SELF. The dance within and the dance without are intertwined. The Dance and the Dancer are one."

I think maybe the above needs to stand on it's own.......In the end when you are done reading through meld the above with the below. I think they exist in harmony.

I have attempted to write about this before...but have found it difficult. Mainly because Inner Child is a very private personal being which resides quietly-sometimes- inside each of us. And I suppose, as well, I have had to resolve issues with my own Inner Child before I could write about it.

It seems to be responsible in some way as that inner/alter voice.

It seems to be happiest and at peace with the lead-you- when it feels safe and content. It appears to me that when we are each in a place of acting out of fear....Inner Child is not in a place of peace and can react in many negative ways.


Are you familiar with your own Inner Child?

Are you are peace with him or her?

Who is the lead?

Do you share the lead?

Are you comfortable enough with your Inner Child to allow others to soothe him or her??

Are there unresolved issues possibly things you are not even in touch with that when events happen in life....Inner Child takes over creating a fear or acting out response?

It seems to me that each and every one of us has not had the PERFECT life. (The reality is that It does not exist...) In some way or other we have all had to heal and move on. But what if Inner Child remains stuck? What that means is that in your life every decision...thought....action will come from a defensive place...a place of fear. This can manifest itself in various ways through the

Is that really the way you want to spend your life?

What to do to help that along?????

I suppose it depends upon how ready we each are to make peace and become the lead.....

Is it OK to sometimes let inner child take over and romp? Yup. But it's all about the appropriateness of the moment....(I do it regularly when I go running...;)

How to make peace with Inner Child????

What I have found is that sometimes it is as simple as having a quiet conversation. Or the "lead" really looking at what may be causing Inner Child to over-act....because it could be due to ..fear and wanting to protect. Find a safe place...a safe time...sit down and face your Inner Child...assure them that they are safe and that you have their best interests at heart. Then together work on that you-the grown-up can fully take the lead. Earlier I wrote about the two emotions that we base all our decisions/actions on...fear and love. Inner Child feels that too-and acts accordingly.

Healing takes time..coming to a place when you are at peace within...having fully realized all aspects of ones-self...inner/spritiual...outer...the physical...takes work and quiet contemplation.

What are we left with in the end...a fully realized soul that lives in light and joy. You become a person who loves well...and lives happily and gratefully in each moment realizing that life is a gift and our trials are meant to be lessons that in the end, with insight, create growth from within and positively affect others around us.